Before the semester is over…

What was your favorite piece we read this semester? Why?

Or, what is something you didn’t expect to learn in this class, but did?

Or! What was the most shocking thing we talked about, read, or found this semester?

Sapper Smith

I was doing some research on Dorothy Lawrence and found out that a short film was actually made about her life earlier this year by a group of London Goldsmiths Film students. 

It hasn’t been released to the public yet (I don’t think) but it was selected by the Edinburgh Independent Film Awards Festival for best student film!

They released a teaser trailer eleven days ago which I’ll insert below if you’re curious!

If you’re still curious, here are a couple of links to find out more about the film:

Link to their kickstarter where you can learn more about the film.

Link to the film’s facebook page.

Dorothy Lawrence Comic

I found this comic while looking at an article about Dorothy Lawrence and her life. What do you make of this comic? How does this representation of Lawrence in this comic mirror or differ from the representation of her we have gotten so far in the text?