Morgan’s Bridge to the Blog

Hey guys! So today in class we spent a lot of time talking about the relationship between Catherine (Cat) and Frederic Henry’s relationship in the novel. We talked about the layers of their relationship, how they pretend that the hospital room and the hotel room is their own little house and even contemplated if their relationship was real or fake. Obviously, both Cat and Henry have some personal things going on and maybe that is why they are together, they could be a comfort for each other in some weird way. Being someone who has always been in love with the idea of being in love, I got really caught up in the romantic relationships we have seen so far this semester.

But how does the portrayal of love in “All Quiet,” “Not So Quiet,” and “A Farewell to Arms” do? How are they similar or different? Have we seen the type of relationship that Henry and Cat have before?

I think this all goes back to the glorification of wartime and the idea that everything works out in the end. It is the true romantic story: man goes off to war, gets injured, a pretty nurse takes care of him, nurses him back to health, they fall in love and get married, have a family and live happily ever after. Super sappy and in the end everything is wrapped up nicely with a pretty little bow and they live in a house with a white picket fence. It is like this was the dream of the time, the type of relationship people adored and wished themselves to be in. Pictures from this time and posters like that of which Dr. Scanlon showed us in class today add to this belief of the romanticized war.

However, we have already seen how Henry and Cat’s relationship deviates from this idea since she gets pregnant out of wedlock. Their mental states, their perspectives, and their actual relationship is everything outside of what the desired relationship was. So, could their relationship be here to mock this idea of romance during the wartime or is it an accurate depiction of two broken people finding relief and comfort within one another which makes life a little more bearable? And if so, what is trying to be shown here? Now, thinking back to our other books, how about the relationship Nellie finds herself in at the end of “Not So Quiet”? We discussed how she said she would never marry someone who was in the war and was injured because it would be a constant reminder of the things she witnessed, however, she gets engaged to Roy and accepts him even after his injury. Does this make their relationship the same as Henry and Cat’s? If so how? Do you think that these relationships that we see in these wartime stories are parodying the expectations that everyone believed would happen at the time, making fun of the dreams young women had of falling in love with brave soldiers, or do you think that they are just showing the actual “romance” that would come about during a time like this?

Word Count: 523


Allison Woods report on the podcast “How Britain Went to War”

This podcast shows how unprepared Britain was for a global war.  After the Boer war, they knew they needed reform in the military, but oftentimes the committees created to accomplish this reform did not have much decision-making influence with the Cabinet.  Yet, the committees were able to get some progress done, A major accomplishment being the creation of the War Books, that functioned as walkthrough manuals on various subjects: what to do in the event of war, how to change the government from a peace-time one into a war one, and how to mobilize an army, among other topics.  However, these books would only be useful for the first few phases of a war, after which the British would then have to improvise.

At one point before the war the Cabinet is talking about how to go about getting the army and such and what measures they will have to take but they just turn to each other and shrug.  I am not joking when I say that they decided not to decide on anything and said basically, “let’s leave that decision for down the road if the war comes”.  The army and navy did not like to talk to each other.  There were too many interservice rivalries.  There was also another committee made to investigate threats outside of Britain and the person put in charge of that spoke no foreign languages at all.  Before the war, this group was essentially useless.  Nothing really worked as it should, but on the organization side, the British had it down pat.

When it became apparent at 11:00 pm Tuesday 4th of August 1914, that the British would be obligated to come to the defense of Belgium, thereby participating in the Great War, everyone cheered at Buckingham Palace, so sure of victory, while the whole cabinet was silent.  Colonel Maurice Hankey in a letter said: “Once we go to war, we will be in the unknown.  Minister Winston Churchill was the only one in the cabinet that didn’t look anxious.  He was jaunty and confident when it was apparent we were going to war.”  Churchill embodied the British people at this moment, the majority of them confident in their navy and the fact that they could win easily.

Yet for all their blunders, the British were more prepared for war than any other country at the time.  They were able to set styles and standards of a wartime government that needed to be adhered to, long before The Great War even begun.


Personal Opinions:

The podcast was difficult to comprehend at points because of the many thick accents of the speakers.  I had to rewind frequently to fully understand various points, and I felt the content of the episode was unorganized because of the way the information was presented to the audience.  For instance, something relevant a while ago would be brought up much later.  Though I will admit that this did not occur many times, it did make me confused.

I did appreciate how many educated scholars and professors were brought onto the podcast.  However, I do wish they had backed up their facts in some way other than when the broadcast switched to the national archives for quotes.  I did like the use of a few letters and a diary from higher-ups in government and the prime ministers’ wife.  That was a nice touch that allowed me to get into the heads of the people involved.

This podcast showed me that Britain was inept at figuring out how they would fight a global war, if it ever came.  They assumed that such a war would be like all others they had fought before, blockading their enemy with the navy, hurting their enemy’s economy, and have others do the fighting for them.  This turned out to not be the case.  It surprised me how self-assured Britain was; they thought their navy would beat the Germans easily, which just dumbfounded me.  Overall, I cannot judge the British too harshly for their actions, for who could have known the war to come would have been so different from all other wars prior?