I know it is early, but we are verging on winter break and in an earlier blog post on Halloween, Laura shared a clip from The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and in the comments “Snoopy’s Christmas” was brought up. I have grown up blasting this song in the house and in the car with my mom because it is her all-time favorite song (we also just finished watching A Charlie Brown Christmas so it reminded me to post this). But, having heard this song so much throughout my whole life, I never realized it was about the Christmas Truce! So, in case you have never heard the song, here it is. Enjoy!
Tag Archives: dulce et decorum est comment on your classmates blog posts
Owen, Whitman, and a serious case of déjà vu
I’ve read Dulce et Decorum Est several times, but reading it this semester really reminded me of another poem I’ve read in the past year, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Over the summer I read Beat! Beat! Drums! from Whitman’s Leaves of Grass and I see some similarities in the pieces (Especially with Owen’s “Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!” line and the opening line of Beat! Beat! Drums! being “Beat! beat! drums!—Blow! bugles! blow!”) but I’m not entirely sure if that’s the piece I’m thinking of.
Does anyone know of a similar piece? I’m wondering if maybe I’m just remembering reading Dulce et Decorum Est in Modern Poetry or if my brain has completely melted to mush and that Whitman piece is the one I’m thinking of.