
The full syllabus, with policies and assignments, is here:



Provisional Course Schedule

All readings should be done before class on the day they are assigned.

“K” indicates the anthology of poetry edited by Kendall; “T” indicates the anthology of stories edited by Tate. Readings marked “pdf” are loaded into the Files section of our course in Canvas.

Week 1

T Aug 28                      Introduction

R Aug 30                     Grayzel, “Introduction: The First World War and the Making of a Modern, Global Conflict” (pdf); view the animated map “Europe Plunges into War”

mns lecture: A Grossly Reductive Introduction to the Great War

Everyone should choose a special mission by today HERE


Week 2

T Sept 4                       Remarque chapters 1-5 (1-98); view Trench Warfare and Gas Warfare

R Sept 6                       Remarque chapters 6-8 (99-198)


Week 3

T Sept 11                     Remarque chapters 9-12 (199-296); view Shell Shock

R Sept 13                    UMW closed


Week 4

T Sept 18                     Smith chapters I-III (1-74); view Women in World War One

R Sept 20                     Smith chapters IV-VII (75-161)


Week 5

T Sept 25                     Smith chapters VIII-XII (162-239)

R Sept 27                     Aldington, “The Case of Lieutenant Hall” (T 77-91); Machen, “The Bowmen” (T 252-54); poems by Sassoon: “The Redeemer” (K 88-89); “The Kiss” (K 90); “They” (K 94); “The General” (K 96-97); “How to Die” (K 99-100); “Glory of Women (K 100


Week 6

T Oct 2                        Hemingway Part I (1-78)

Tuesday, October 2: essay #1 due at midnight

R Oct 4                        Hemingway Part II (79-159)


Week 7

T Oct 9                        Hemingway Part III (160-233)

R Oct 11                      Hemingway Parts IV and V (234-332)

Friday, October 12: website and podcast special missions due at midnight


Week 8

T Oct 16                      Fall Break

R Oct 18                      Poetry by non-combatants: Hardy, “On the Belgian Expatriation” (K 6-7), “I Looked Up from My Writing” (K 10-11); Kipling, “For All We Have and Are” (K 25-26), “My Boy Jack” (K 29), “Justice” (K 39-40); Binyon, “For the Fallen” (K 43-44); Mew, “May, 1915” (K 46), “The Cenotaph” (K 46-47); Service, “Tipperary Days” (K 48-50), “Tri-Colour” (K 52-53); Gibson, “The Messages” (K 64-65), “Breakfast” (K 65), “Between the Lines” (K 66-70), “Air-Raid” (K 73-74); Cannan, “August 1914” (K 179), “For a Girl” (K 184-85)


Week 9

T Oct 23                      Borden 1-32

R Oct 25                      Borden 33-61 and Rickword, “Moonrise Over Battlefield” (K 220)

Friday, October 26: film special missions due at midnight


Week 10

T Oct 30                     Borden 63-90

R Nov 1                       Borden 91-112


Week 11

T Nov 6                       Poetry by combatants: Brooke, “1914” (K 104-106); Rosenberg, “Break of Day in the Trenches” (K 137-38), “Louse Hunting” (K 138-39), “Returning, we hear the larks” (K 139-140), “Dead Man’s Dump” (K 140-42); Gurney, “To the Prussians of England” (K 121), “First Time In” (K 123-124), “The Stokes Gunners” (K 127); Graves, “A Dead Boche” (K 194), “A Child’s Nightmare” (K 195-97); Jones, “from In Parenthesis” (K 201-206); Blunden, “1916 Seen from 1921” (K 209-10)

R Nov 8                       TBA


11/11/2018 at 11:00 a.m.: 100 Year Anniversary of Armistice


approximately 9 million military and 6 million civilians dead,

21 million wounded, 8 million missing or POW


Sunday, November 11: essay #2 due by midnight


Week 12

T Nov 13                     Bennett, “Wedding Day” (T 141-47); Daly chapters I-IX (1-38)

Recommended: explore photos of African American soldiers at the LOC and here.

R Nov 15                     Daly chapters X-XV (38-70)


Week 13

T Nov 20                     Miller, “Stragglers in the Dust” (pdf); Hall, “Miss Ogilvy Finds Herself” (T 125-140)

R Nov 22                     Thanksgiving Break


Week 14

T Nov 27                     Lawrence Author’s Note + chapters 1-3 (1-47)

R Nov 29                     Lawrence chapters 4-8 (48-92)


Week 15

T Dec 4                       Owen, all selections (K 150-74)

R Dec 6                       Owen and wrap-up


Friday, December 7: essay #3 due by midnight



Section 01:  Thursday, December 13, 8:30-11:00

Section 02:  Tuesday, December 11, 12:00-2:30